" subheadline="<span class="btArticleDate">5 November 2014</span><span class="btArticleAuthor"><a href="https://www.deepsessionsrecordings.com/author/admin/" class="btArticleAuthorURL">by Athan</a></span><a href="https://www.deepsessionsrecordings.com/2014/11/05/double-entendre-phoenix-ep/#comments" class="btArticleComments">0</a>" font="" font_weight="" font_size="" color_scheme="" color="" align="" url="" target="_self" html_tag="h1" size="large" dash="" el_id="" el_class="" el_style="" supertitle_position="outside" ignore_fe_editor="true"]

Double Entendre – DJ and musician from Ukraine (Kharkov).Double Entendre a musician, that in each of his work puts part of his soul, not sparing the days spent in the studio. His compositions make you really feel the atmosphere of Deep and Progressive Music.

Rare musical performances are filled with exclusive author’s music and unreleased music of other well-known sound producers. Love, pain, mental anguish, happiness, smiles and emotions, all these feelings in music Double Entendre.

Supported By : Alberto Blanco, Alex Code, Daniel Gomez, Dio S, Fernando Ferreyra, Franzis-D, G.HoT,George Marvel, Johan, Markus Schulz, Niki Belucci, The Amateur, Zisis D, kiss fm ua, matthias leisegang, stagevanh and more..

Artist: Double Entendre
Title: Phoenix Ep
Cut #: DSR261
Label: Deepsessions Recordings
Released Date: 05/11/2014
Tracks: Phoenix • Despair

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